
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Stories and Happiness

I desperately need to be going to bed right now, but I have so many thoughts running through my mind, that writing this post clearly takes priority.  That... and the fact that I kind of forgot I have a blog.  Do people even read blogs anymore?   But seriously, every time I write in this space, I promise myself that I'll be better, and commit to one blog post a month.  Ha! Yeah right!  That's like telling the Detroit Lions or Philadelphia Eagles they're going to win next years Super's never gonna happen!  Being a consistent blogger is never going to happen!

One thing I love is hearing people's stories.  Monday I decided to do a little self exploring.  One of the places I ended up was at the scenic overlook in Tahoe.  There was an older gentlemen there getting off his street bike.  He commented on how beautiful the view was.  We began talking, and he told me about his childhood in the Bay area.  He grew up in a home surrounded by almond trees.  Are you kidding me?!  I imagine a cute little farm house; vintage crown molding aligning the walls; a wrap-around porch; nestled between gigantic trees that he would climb for the sole purpose of eating the almonds, while sitting on a thick branch. I'm drooling over the thought of this!  Our conversation ended with him telling me to carry a knife wherever I go because, "society is shady."  He then sped off with his leather motorcycle attire. 

A couple years ago I was on the New York City metro and had an entire lesson on spices.  This lady explained where various spices originate, how mixing one works collaboratively with the other to make a new flavor.  Did you know that NYC has a culinary school that specializes specifically in creating new spices?  What do you even call yourself, an entrepreneur of spices? 

My point is, people are fascinating, and you can a learn a lot by listening.  Today I indulged in a TED Talk from a man by the name of Robert Waldinger.  He's a Harvard professor who was one of the many researchers in the Grant Study; the longest study of adult life in history.  For 75 years, researchers kept in contact with adult men; interviewing them and those who had close relationships with the individuals.  The study began when the men were teenagers, and continued  until their old age and/or death.  The objective was to find out what ultimately makes people happy and healthy. How I would have loved to be on that research team...interviewing people, and hearing their life stories from multiple perspectives...sigh.  It would have made a great Chicken Soup for the Soul read.  Just kidding....(my mom used to read that stuff--almost as cheesy as Hallmark).

Before I reveal what the study found, did you know that in a recent survey with millennials, when asked what their most important life goals were, over 80% said it was to become rich, and 50% of those same people said their other goal is to be famous.  Funny, we're talking about happiness, but have you seen what money and fame have done to Katy Perry lately?  Let us not forget the 2007 Britney Spears. Just saying....

So after 75 years, researchers finally figured out that the secret to health and happiness is dependent on uplifting and positive relationships with others (shocking, I know).  They even found that people who are consistently lonely live unhealthy, unhappy, and shorter lives.  This doesn't mean relationships with family, friends, coworkers, etc. have to be perfect; because let's be honest, sometimes people suck!  I think it's about making people feel good, being a good listener, and in most cases, putting someone else's needs before your own.  Yeah, I know, it's all stuff we've heard before...but doesn't that tell us something too?  Now don't get me wrong, I am no relationship expert, nor would I ever pretend to be.  I have made plenty of mistakes, and will undoubtably make more.  Nonetheless, I am so grateful for the people in my life, and I work to foster those relationships, because they are important to me--my people are important to me.      

So I went from telling you about how I like stories, to talking about relationships.  It correlates well in my mind, so just go with it.  That's all I'm sharing for tonight.


P.S. You can watch his TED Talk, here.