
Monday, January 16, 2017

I Want You To Know

To my nieces,

I've been thinking a lot about the two of you lately.  Well, truth be told, I think about the two every day.  A lot has happened in the last year that has caused me to do a lot of self-reflection.  We need that sometimes.  There's a couple of things I want you to know:

Don't listen to anyone who makes you feel less than you really are.  You are precious gems from the rarest of stones.  Ignore those who try to belittle you, make you feel inferior, or tell you that you can't do something.   Instead, use those words as fuel to light the burning flame of greatness that is within you...{and then tell them to meet me by the flagpole so I can teach them to never mess with my nieces again-- if they know what's good for them ;) }.

Celebrate failure.  Growing up, we're taught to fear failure.  After all, failure means that we fall, we're insufficient, that we lacked effort or ability.  It's taken me many years to learn that it's simply not true.   Robert Kennedy said, "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." I want you to think of failure as being on the path to greatness.  I have a formula for failure: risk, fail, risk again,  succeed.  So, don't run away from something that scares you. Stare at it in the face; take whatever it is head on.  When you're knocked down (because you will be), stand up, brush yourself off, learn from your fall, and try again.

Be good to people.  Build people up, never tear them down.  Life is hard enough, so be a light; a glimmer of hope to people.  It's the little things: holding the door open for someone, saying "hello" to person who is standing alone on the playground, even a simple smile can go a long way.  Whomever you're with, make them feel like they are the most important person in the room.

Have a story to tell.   There's a quote I heard in the movie, Me Before You; it resonated with me. "You only get one life, it's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible."  Try your best to live with no regrets.  Do the things you've always wanted to do.  Find a hobby that you love, and stick with it. Learn about something that interests you.  Experience life and all it has to offer. This way, no matter how big, or how small, you'll always have a story to tell.

Most importantly, always remember...

i love you. I Love You.  I LOVE YOU!  I actually don't think it's humanly possible to accurately describe the joy you bring to my life.  I love you from the tips of your toes, to the little strands of hair on your head.  Each time I look at you, I swear my heart is going to explode out of my chest.  I hope you always remember that.

Love you forever and always,

Auntie Alex