Remember that one time I challenged myself to Patti Digh's writing challenge? If not, you can find that ambitious blog post here. Well, life happened. I realized that committing myself to one blog post a week was absurd. After all, I was at the beginning of the end of the school year. Obviously I was in a delusional state of mind. Secondly, while her writing is A-MAZING, I found myself bored with the writing prompts. Each one seemed as though I was about to write a self-help "let me teach you how to live your life through my amazing example, because I'm rocking at this whole living life in the most virtuous of ways thing."
Mrs. Digh, we need to set the record straight. I'm not amazing at life; in fact, sometimes I really suck at life. The other day I had a little bit of road rage when a guy on a road bike cut me off (because bikes that involve pedaling should not be allowed in the road with other vehicles). I also scream a few choice words whenever I stub my toe. Oh, and sometimes I like to skip the last five minutes of my workout DVD, and make chocolate chip pancakes instead.
While I'm all for the happy-go-lucky, inspiring writing, I'm also a fan of realism: depicting the world for what it is, and not what it could be. Sometimes life is going to suck, and let's be honest, misery loves company. That's why someone fabricated reality T.V. and gossip magazines. We indulge in other peoples misery to make ourselves feel better. At least that's what I do when I watch The Bachelorette.
Moral of this post: I'm keeping this blog real. I'll be writing about the good, the bad, and the ugly. I will also make no apologies for any punctuation/grammar errors I make (like the millions of run-on sentences in this post).
I've been hanging with Goole and Pintrest lately, and have found some writing prompts that I'm actually excited about.
Stay Tune.